Administration – bachelor’s degree studies

Field of study: ADMINISTRATION
Mode of study: part-time
Type of study: Bachelor′s degree
Duration: 6 semesters
Tuition fees: 2300PLN/semester

Administration, as a field of study, is a subject of interest in legal, economic, and social sciences.

The interdisciplinary nature of the education is mainly related to the diversity of administrative structures, the broad range of tasks performed by the administration and the functions performed, as well as a wide range of legally defined forms, methods, and procedures of their operation. The form of studies based on a practical profile education program is largely aimed at shaping practical skills and social competencies necessary for future professional work. The high quality of teaching activities is guaranteed by a team of academic teachers supported by academic teachers with many years of professional experience gained in various areas of administrative activity.

The education program is tailored to the real needs of the labor market, meets the requirements for professional qualifications expected by employers, and gives the student the opportunity to choose their own scientific interest and career path. The graduate of first-degree studies has orderly knowledge about the organization and competencies of administrations functioning in various spheres of social and economic life, closely related to the science of law, administration, economics and public management enriched with knowledge from the field of sociology, psychology, cognitive science and social communication, logic and legal informatics and selected regulations concerning the functioning of the European Union.

The graduate also has practical skills in using knowledge and applying law in specific cases and situations at the workplace. They can also identify, describe, and independently solve problems belonging to their tasks and employee duties. The student professional practice organized in institutions and offices of public administration, in administration units of economic entities, non-governmental organizations and other units administering public and non-public spheres, plays a significant role in the study program.

The confirmation of high standards of the education process in the field of Administration is the positive assessment of the Polish Accreditation Committee.

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See specializations


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Employment prospects

  • offices and institutions of local government administration,
  • offices and units of local and regional government (commune, poviat, voivodeship),
  • state and social inspections,
  • administrative units and departments operating in the structures of the state and private sectors of economic activity, services and operations.
  • services, inspections and guards responsible for public security,
  • crisis management teams and centers,
  • companies providing services in the protection of people and property and securing mass events,
  • other organizations and institutions acting for public safety.
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